Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome Back ECAC Family! 

I would like to take this time to welcome all my freshman students back from their exciting time off. I am so ready to see you all again and I am excited about the new semester.

This semester we will be working on our 9th grade CCGPS Standards and preparing for the EOCT that occurs at the end of the school year. We will also be working extensively from our literature booklet, which students were assigned at the beginning of the year. Please, make sure the students have kept up with those as they are essential and also costly (if they are lost students will have to pay for them!)

We are starting this semester working on the Odyssey, which is an epic poem written by Homer and an example of Mythological Folklore. Students will have two writing projects during this unit, which will be assigned much later. Also, students will have the opportunity to watch the movie along with Greek refreshments, if they are well-behaved.

I look forward to a great semester. Please, parents make sure to SIGN THE SYLLABUS AND RETURN TO SCHOOL BY JANUARY 16TH. Thank you!!

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