Friday, January 13, 2012

January Update

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!! I am excited to see all my students back safe and sound from their Christmas Break and New Year celebrations. Coming back to this school year, everyone needs to be prepared and ready to work. We will start our Drama Unit and read William Shakespeare's Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Students will be given a worksheet that they must keep for the next 9 weeks. This worksheet contains study questions over the entire story and will be trned in for a test grade at the end of the unit. Students will be held responsible for completing the worksheet and keeping up with it the entire 9 weeks.

Also,  if the students behave themselves for hte next 9 weeks, we will watch the most recent movie and students will be allowed to bring food from home at the end of the Unit.

Also, we will be having more frequent notebook checks as many students are not coming to class prepared. Please, make sure your child has adequate amount of paper, pens, and pencils daily. Also, check the syllabus to make sure your child has their ELA notebook complete with the 5 required tab dividers. If they are not bringing their notebooks to class daily, it WILL negatively impact their grades.

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