Wednesday, December 19, 2012




Class Title: Jacobs Literature and Composition
Class ID: 5889268
Enrollment Password: Essay

All students should have their graded essay at this time. Please, make sure that your child is redoing their essay if they did not meet the standard. Any student with a grade below a 70 and has a blue dot is not meeting the standard. These students MUST redo their essay.

If you have any problems, please comment on this forum. Thanks!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

UPDATE!! For Parents!!

As we get closer and closer to our Christmas Break, we still have some housekeeping issues to take care of before we set off for a week of freedom.

1. Today and tomorrow, I have been conferencing with students on the "Forgiveness Essays" that were already turned in for a grade. For those that did poorly on their essay, they have been given the option to take their essays home and redo over the holidays for a higher grade. HOWEVER, students must return the original essay to go in their writing folders as well as the new "revamped" essay. I hope every student takes up on this opportunity.

2. ECAC Against Segregation Essays should be turned in by tomorrow. These essays will be reviewed once we return from the Christmas Holidays.

3. Thursday & Friday, we will be watching "Cry, The Beloved Country" the movie. Students are allowed to bring food and drink on FRIDAY ONLY! Parents please bring light snacks only such as chips, soda, popcorn, cupcakes, cookies etc. There is no need for large dishes such as baked chicken and rice, etc.

4. If any children are in danger of failing, I will be calling you Thursday and Friday. I will tell you what your child needs to complete in order to bring their grade up hopefully (fingers crossed) by report card. 

Finally, I look forward to the last couple of days and our break. I hope everyone has a great Christmas.  Please, parents if you have ANY concerns I am available. Feel free to contact me at any time via email or by phone. You may even comment on the website.

Thanks so much for being a concerned parent and participating in your child's education.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monthly Update!!

We are finishing Cry, My Beloved Country" by Alan Paton this week. I am so happy that we are ready for out next unit. I hope the students gained a lot from this unit including all the literary terms that we have learned thus far. Students have completed our CCGPS Standards for Character Development, Theme and Motifs, Argumentative Essay, and Writing Style. The students should know the following literary terms by the end of this week:

  1. Character
  2. Characterization
  3. Flat Character
  4. Round Character
  5. Dynamic Character
  6. Static Character
  7. Archetype
  8. Diction
  9. Tone
  10. Connotation
  11. Denotation 
  12. Informal 
  13. Formal 
  14. Theme 
  15. Motif
  16. Parallel Structure
  17. Allusion 
  18. Semi-Colon Usage
  19. Colon Usage
  20. Character Motivation
  21. Antagonist 
  22. Protagonist
  23. Conflict
  24. Internal Conflict
  25. External Conflict
  26. Man Vs Man 
  27. Man Vs Himself
  28. Man vs Nature
  29. Man vs Society
  30. Direct Characterization 
  31. Indirect Characterization 
  32. Character Foil
  33. Counter Argument 
  34. Argument 
  35. Thesis Statement 
  36. Attention Grabber
  37. Outline 
  38. Textual Evidence
  39. MLA
  40. Cite
  41. Sources
  42. Quotation Mark Usage
  43. Body
  44. Conclusion 
  45. Closing Statements
  46. Dialect
  47. Colloquialism 
Also, there are a couple of major assignments due before students leave for Christmas break. Students will take their Unit test over Cry, The Beloved Country on Monday, December 10, 2012. Students have their SLO Assessment on Thursday, December 13, 2012. Finally, students will have their final essay and presentation for this unit due by Friday, December 14, 2012. Also, during the week of the December 17th,  we will watch the movie to end our unit, during that time students can bring African Food and Drinks for the class as extra credit. However, these arrangements will be announced!

Please, make sure  your child study, study study!!! This upcoming weeks will be a doosey! I have had such wonderful students. If you have any question please feel free to contact me. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WL Homework 10-31

World Literature Homework:
1. Read Chapter 18 of "Cry, The Beloved Country"
2. Complete Study Guide Questions for Chapters 15-17
3. Brainstorm & Outline Essay Topic Due Friday

Friday, October 26, 2012


World Literature Homework:
Read Chapter 14 and write a chapter summary and it is due on Monday, October 9, 2012.
Please be sure to write your chapter summary in blue or black ink.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cry, My Beloved Country Update/Homework

Currently we are reading Cry, My Beloeved Country Booklet and we are working on are CCGPS Standard for Character Development. The students should know the following literary terms by the end of this week:

  1. Character
  2. Characterization
  3. Flat Character
  4. Round Character
  5. Dynamic Character
  6. Static Character
  7. Archetype
  8. Hero
  9. Hero Quest/Journey
Also, on Friday of this week there will be a couple of assignments due. Students must have read Chapters 1-10, answer the study Questions, and complete their Character Archetype Graphic Organizers. All of these items must be completed and turned in by Friday, October 12, 2012.

I have enjoyed my weeks so far! I have had such wonderful students. If you have any question please feel free to contact me. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hello to my Early College Academy students and parents! I am so happy to work with you and your chilren this year. I am looking forward to all the wonderful activities we will be doing this year. This website is a helpful resource for you and had been created to keep you updated on my classroom activities. Please, feel free to comment on the website, and contact me about any concerns in class you may have.


Cry, The Beloved Country
Directions: Using the novel "Cry, The Beloved Country," by Alan Paton, answer the following questions in COMPLETE setences. Be sure to support answers from the text. Be prepared to discuss in class.

Chapters 1-5

1.  Paragraphs two and three in Chapter 1 sharply contrast. Explain the significance of these two
paragraphs in terms of the novel's central theme. (Come back to this later if you can't answer
it at first.)

2.  Identify and characterize Stephen, John, Msimangu, Mrs. Lithebe, and Gertrude.

3.  Explain the importance or meaning of the following quotation: "Once such a thing is opened, it cannot be shut again."

4.  Why did Stephen Kumalo go to Johannesburg?

5.  What does "Umfundisi" mean?

6.      "The journey had begun. And now the fear back again ...." What fears did Kumalo have?

7.      What happened to Kumalo when he first arrived in Johannesburg?

8.      Describe Gertrude's sickness.

9.      Why is Gertrude's sickness upsetting to Kumalo?

10.  What is Kumalo's brother John doing in Johannesburg?

11.  "The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that they are not mended again." Explain what Msimangu meant. (Ch. 5)

12.  "It is fear that rules this land." Who fears whom?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Literary Essay 1: Comparison/ Contrast essay Due Date: Sept 28, 2012

Literary Essay 1: Comparison/ Contrast essay                     Due Date: Sept 28, 2012
Choose one of the following tasks:

Task 1:
Our unit has discussed many different types of heroes, characters, and archetypes. Using the information, you have learned in class about characterization compare and contrast any major characters from two different literary works that we have read. You can use any two literary stories read in class for this unit.
Task 2:
Using the information learned about the archetypical hero quest, compare/ contrast a main character from any story read in this unit to the hero archetype. Discuss whether the main character represents the hero archetype and fulfills the requirements of the hero’s journey.
Your essay must be a well-written and organized comparison and contrast essay, 3-4 pages in length, include elements of characterization, be typed in black ink, typed in Times New Roman 12pt. font, include a cover page and a bibliography, be in MLA Style formatting, at least 2 in-text citations (quotes), show correct usage of grammar and show evidence of the writing process (outline, roughdraft, final draft). 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Syllabus for 2012-2013 School Year!

English Literature and Composition
Ms. Jacobs Room B 08
Welcome to my English Language Arts class.  I am eager to get to know each and every one of you throughout this school year.   This course will demand a lot from you as a student; however, I will try to make the class as enjoyable as possible.

 I expect you to perform your absolute best both inside and outside of the classroom.  I will always be here to help you; I encourage you to see me with any questions or concerns you might have throughout the year.  Ultimately, I care about all of you and I truly want you to succeed.  Together we can make this a successful year.  After school you can find me every day until 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified. I have an open door policy, which means you may come to me for extra help after school, just be sure to notify your parents

Teacher Contact Information:
Email: Coming soon
Phone: (706) 748-

Text: Holt Elements of Literature, fourth course.
Various Literary Novels
Course Overview:
Focusing on a study of literary genres, this course develops initial understanding of both the structure and the meaning of a work of literature. The student develops initial understanding of the way the form of a work of literature affects the meaning of the work and of the process of interpretation of a text. The student reads thoughtfully and purposefully, constantly checking for understanding of the author’s intent and meaning in order to determine a sound interpretation. The student seriously engages in reading for learning. This process sweeps across all disciplinary domains, extending even to the area of personal learning. The student encounters a variety of informational and fictional texts and reads texts in all genres and modes of discourse.

As for writing, the students will express competency in all modes or genres are practiced at each grade level; however, in order to achieve mastery, each grade level has a particular writing focus. Technical writing is the focus for 9th grade; by the end of 9th grade, the student will demonstrate competency in technical writing. The student writes coherent and focused texts that convey a well-defined perspective or tightly-reasoned argument. The writing exhibits the student’s awareness of audience and purpose. When appropriate, the texts contain introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. The student regularly progresses through the stages of the writing process (i.e., prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing successive versions).

Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
o   Define, identify, and analyze literary terms and devices;
o   Identify, compare, and contrast persuasive techniques and appeals by media;
o   Read, interpret, and analyze non-fiction literature as well as novel format;
o   Organize and develop essays of various types: including expository, and persuasive;
o   Write grammatically correct, interesting, and varies sentences;
o   Develop revision and editing skills;
o   Prepare and present material to whole-class audiences;
o   Increase vocabulary knowledge and develop research skills;

Classroom Expectations:  
1.        Come to class ON TIME, sit in your assigned seat, be prepared, and ready to LEARN!
2.     Hand in all quality work on time.
3.     Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
4.     Behave in a manner that is respectful to all others in the classroom including peers, teachers, and guest.
5.     Keep work area(s) and classroom clean and tidy.
6.     Students will follow all guidelines of the Dougherty County School District.

Golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated!!!!
ü  Verbal Warning
ü  Student –Teacher Conference
ü  Parent-Teacher Conference
ü  Detention
ü  Office referral

Organization:  It is important that you keep an organized binder to keep notes, quizzes, and all other handouts in order.  Binders should be divided into four sections:  Notes, Handouts, Homework, and Writing.  Binders will be checked randomly throughout the year and will count as a quiz grade.  Keep your binders organized!

Absences:  Please make sure you get a homework buddy. Exchange numbers with a responsible person in class that can update you on any missed assignments.  Students have 10 days to make-up work due to excused absences. Students cannot make-up work due to suspensions.

Essays/Test: all essays must be typed in black, Times New Roman, and 12 pt. font.  Essays will be submitted twice. Students will submit a hardcopy complete with evidence of the writing process and submit an electronic copy over Students will receive a grade of “0” for plagiarized work and may be subject for disciplinary actions.

Writing assignments will be due at the end of the class period on the due date assigned. Any day after that will be considered late. The writing assignments are not homework, unless other wised stated by me.

Cheating during a test receives a grade of a “0”. Students who are caught talking during a test will be assumed to be cheating.

All other assignments must be written in blue or black ink pen only.

Homework: All homework is due the day after it is assigned unless expressed otherwise. Anything turned in after 4:00 p.m. on the due date is considered late.           

Grading:  Homework and especially quizzes, tests, and projects must be turned in or completed by the date they are due.  Major points will be taken off for late projects and/or essays.

Ø   Daily/Warm-ups:            20%
Ø   Homework:                        15%
Ø   Quizzes:                               10%
________Total: 45%______
Ø   Projects:                              20%
Ø   Test/ Essays:                     20%
________Total:  40%______
Ø   Final Exam:                        15%

                EOCT                   20% (of final overall grade)
Grade Scale:

                                90-100%              A
                                80-90%                B
                                70-80                   C
                             69 & Below             F            
o   1” Inch Literature Binder (only literature)
o   Composition Book
o   Pens (Blue or Black Ink Only)
o   Notebook Paper
o   Jump/Flash Drive
For Your Information
All assignments given in class are based on the Georgia professional standards. If you would like to know what your child must learn this year go to:
I Look Forward To a Great Year!

Please parents post sign below to ensure that you have read and understand the Syllabus and return to class:

I ________________________________ have read, understood and agreed to the terms
            (print name)

above for my child ___________________________________ during the 2012-2013
                                                (print student’s name)

school year.

Parent Signature                                                                                               Date

Student Signature                                                                                              Date

***Parents can print and sign from website

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hooray, you made it!!!

I had a great year this year, and I believe it ended on a very positive note! I know you guys are happy that the ear is over and ready for that break after such a hectic year. However, I will miss you guys, but I know that you are excited to move on to a higher grade.

Also, congratulations for those of you that made high EOCT Scores! I knew you guys could do it! I hope you enjoyed the pizza and soda as a gift of appreciation for all your hard work. I hope you keep it up well into next year.

Nevertheless, I hope all of you guys have a great summer, and I can't wait to see you again next year as sophomores!!! Relax, enjoy your summers and tell all incoming freshman to get ready for a whole new invigorating high school experience. I can't wait to meet my new class of freshman!

See you next year!!!
Have an awesome summer break!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

End of Romeo and Juliet Unit (Hand Out) Feb. 12, 2012

Welcome All Ye Lords And Ladies
To A Banquet Feast Of Fun And Merriment!

Starring a Production of William Shakespeare’s
“The Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet.”

Ye gents and ladies are welcome to bring thee to thy Lady Jacobs’s classroom with your course of Elizabethan food or attire to share with the class. Write a brochure or recipe of your food and present it to class, along with thy covered dish. We shall eat and drink there of and be the judges of the taste as we watch our rendition of Shakespeare’s play. Of course, no Ale or Liquor can be brought for ye are youthful lords and ladies! Yet, may ye lads bring Ginger Ale and Root Beer to drink as was the custom of the times!
For extra credit, you may even dress in Elizabethan attire!
*** Your food stuff may NOT contain any of the following as they are not a part of Elizabethan dishes: raw vegetables (believed to give evil humors) Potatoes, Tomatoes (were thought to be poisonous) Chocolate (used as medicine), vanilla (unheard of), and Coffee.

Friday, January 13, 2012

January Update

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!! I am excited to see all my students back safe and sound from their Christmas Break and New Year celebrations. Coming back to this school year, everyone needs to be prepared and ready to work. We will start our Drama Unit and read William Shakespeare's Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Students will be given a worksheet that they must keep for the next 9 weeks. This worksheet contains study questions over the entire story and will be trned in for a test grade at the end of the unit. Students will be held responsible for completing the worksheet and keeping up with it the entire 9 weeks.

Also,  if the students behave themselves for hte next 9 weeks, we will watch the most recent movie and students will be allowed to bring food from home at the end of the Unit.

Also, we will be having more frequent notebook checks as many students are not coming to class prepared. Please, make sure your child has adequate amount of paper, pens, and pencils daily. Also, check the syllabus to make sure your child has their ELA notebook complete with the 5 required tab dividers. If they are not bringing their notebooks to class daily, it WILL negatively impact their grades.