Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mid October Updates!!

Parents as you know, we have been working on our Writing unit, which covers our Laws Of Life Essay! Students are applying all the knowledge from last semester to create an autobiographical personal narrative piece that applies an idiom to a specific event in their life.

You should expect your child to come home and ask you advice on their essay. They may ask you for specific idioms or old sayings that you use. They may ask you to help them create a list of Idioms. They may ask you to help them choose an aidiom that would be a great essay topic. Your child may even need help creating their outline, which should have been started during class. This assignment is worth a test grade, so make sure your child is doing his or her best.

Hopefully, this activity will create memorable interaction as you share stories about your favorite sayings and the experiences to which they apply.

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