Monday, August 1, 2011

Course Syllabus

9th Grade English Language Arts
Ms. Jacobs Room 36
Welcome to my English Language Arts class.  I am eager to get to know each and every one of you throughout this school year.   This course will demand a lot from you as a student; however, I will try to make the class as enjoyable as possible.
  I expect you to perform your absolute best both inside and outside of the classroom.  I will always be here to help you; I encourage you to see me with any questions or concerns you might have throughout the year.  Ultimately, I care about all of you and I truly want you to succeed.  Together we can make this a successful year.  After school you can find me every day until 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified. I have an open door policy, which means you may come to me for extra help after school, just be sure to notify your parents
Teacher Contact Information:
             Email: Coming Soon
             Phone: (229) 431 -3310

Text: Holt Elements of Literature, fourth course.

Course Overview:
Focusing on a study of literary genres, this course develops initial understanding of both the structure and the meaning of a work of literature. The student develops initial understanding of the way the form of a work of literature affects the meaning of the work and of the process of interpretation of a text. The student reads thoughtfully and purposefully, constantly checking for understanding of the author’s intent and meaning in order to determine a sound interpretation. The student seriously engages in reading for learning. This process sweeps across all disciplinary domains, extending even to the area of personal learning. The student encounters a variety of informational and fictional texts and reads texts in all genres and modes of discourse.

As for writing, the students will express competency in all modes or genres are practiced at each grade level; however, in order to achieve mastery, each grade level has a particular writing focus. Technical writing is the focus for 9th grade; by the end of 9th grade, the student will demonstrate competency in technical writing. The student writes coherent and focused texts that convey a well-defined perspective or tightly-reasoned argument. The writing exhibits the student’s awareness of audience and purpose. When appropriate, the texts contain introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. The student regularly progresses through the stages of the writing process (i.e., pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing successive versions).

Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Define, identify, and analyze literary terms and devices;
  • Identify, compare, and contrast persuasive techniques and appeals by media;
  • Read, interpret, and analyze non-fiction literature as well as novel format;
  • Organize and develop essays of various types: including expository, and persuasive/ argumentative;
  • Write grammatically correct, interesting, and varies sentences;
  • Develop revision and editing skills;
  • Prepare and present material to whole-class audiences;
  • Increase vocabulary knowledge;
  • Develop research skills;
  • Become Life line learners.
 9th Grade Literature and Composition GPS Units and Time line

Time Line
(subject to medication)
Unit 1: Nonfiction
Unit 2: Technical Writing  
1st 9 weeks
Unit 3: Poetry  
Unit 4: Dramatic Literature (Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet)
2nd 9weeks
Unit 5: Fiction: The Short Story
Unit 6: Fiction: The Novel
3rd 9 weeks
Unit 7: Research
Unit 8: Greek and Roman Mythology
4th 9 Weeks and EOCT Testing
Each unit’s duration is approximately 4 ½ weeks.  Units 1 and 2, 5 and 6, and 7 and 8 should be taught as blended units throughout the designated nine weeks period.  Each unit integrates reading, writing, conventions, and listening/speaking/viewing standards.  Select conventions are taught each term.  Vocabulary is taught in conjunction with the literature studied as well as in isolation.  Additional novels should be incorporated throughout the year.

Classroom Expectations:  

1.        Come to class ON TIME, sit in your assigned seat, be prepared, and ready to LEARN!

2.     Hand in all quality work on time.

3.     Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.

4.     Behave in a manner that is respectful to all others in the classroom including peers, teachers, and guest.

5.     Keep work area(s) and classroom clean and tidy.

6.     Students will follow all guidelines of the Dougherty County School District.

Golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated!!!!


ü  Verbal Warning

ü  Student –Teacher Conference

ü  Parent-Teacher Conference

ü  Detention

ü  Office referral

Organization:  It is important that you keep an organized binder to keep notes, quizzes, and all other handouts in order.  Binders should be divided into four sections:  Notes, Handouts, Homework, and Warm-Ups.  Binders will be checked randomly throughout the year and will count as a quiz grade.  Keep your binders organized!

Absences:  Please make sure you get a homework buddy. Exchange numbers with a responsible person in class that can update you on any missed assignments.  Students have 10 days to make-up work due to excused absences. Students cannot make-up work due to suspensions.

Essays/Test: all essays must be typed in black, Times New Roman, and 12 pt. font.  Essays will be submitted twice. Students will submit a hardcopy complete with evidence of the writing process and submit an electronic copy over Students will receive a grade of “0” for plagiarized work and may be subject for disciplinary actions.

Cheating during a test receives a grade of a “0”. Students who are caught talking during a test will be assumed to be cheating.

Homework: All homework is due the day after it is assigned unless expressed otherwise. Anything turned in after 4:00 p.m. on the due date is considered late.

 Majority of the writing assignments are in-class assignments, therefore they will be due at the end of the class period on the due date assigned. Any day after that will be considered late. The writing assignments are not homework, unless other wised stated by me.

Grading:  Homework and especially quizzes, tests, and projects must be turned in or completed by the date they are due.  Major points will be taken off for late projects and/or essays.


Ø   Daily/Warm-ups:             20%

Ø   Quizzes:                               10%

Ø   Final Exam:                        15%

Ø   Projects:                               30%

Ø   Test/ Essays:                     25%

                                               EOCT                   20% (of final overall grade)

Grade Scale:

                                90-100%              A

                                80-90%                B

                                70-80                    C

                             69 & Below             F            


  • 1” Inch Literature Binder (only literature)
  • Composition Book
  • Pens (Blue or Black Ink Only)
  • Notebook Paper
  • Jump/Flash Drive
  • Posters ( will be notified as needed)

For Your Information

All assignments given in class are based on the Georgia professional standards. If you would like to know what your child must learn this year go to or

Parents please post a comment below with you and your Child’s name, so that your child can receive credit.  Please use your first and last names.

I Look Forward To a Great Year!

1 comment:

alejandro said...

really helpful site:)