Welcome All Ye Lords And Ladies
Starring a Production of William Shakespeare’s
“The Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet.”
Ye gents and ladies are welcome to bring thee to thy Lady Jacobs’s classroom with your course of Elizabethan food or attire to share with the class. Write a brochure or recipe of your food and present it to class, along with thy covered dish. We shall eat and drink there of and be the judges of the taste as we watch our rendition of Shakespeare’s play. Of course, no Ale or Liquor can be brought for ye are youthful lords and ladies! Yet, may ye lads bring Ginger Ale and Root Beer to drink as was the custom of the times!
For extra credit, you may even dress in Elizabethan attire!
*** Your food stuff may NOT contain any of the following as they are not a part of Elizabethan dishes: raw vegetables (believed to give evil humors) Potatoes, Tomatoes (were thought to be poisonous) Chocolate (used as medicine), vanilla (unheard of), and Coffee.